Halloween in BELANTIS

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We inform you that this website (the "Website") is the property of Parques Reunidos Servicios Centrales, S.A., which authorises EVENT PARK GmbH to use it (hereinafter both companies are jointly referred to as the "Controllers" or the "Publishers").

This website uses its own and third-party cookies and similar technologies (HTTP cookies, pixel trackers and premises) that store and retrieve information about users when browsing the website for the purposes set out in the section "Cookies and similar technologies used on the website".

However, in accordance with the principle of proactive responsibility, we draw your attention to the fact that no personal data will be collected or otherwise transmitted through this website without first providing the necessary legal information and obtaining your express consent in cases where this is necessary.

Information about the processing of information collected through cookies and similar technologies used on this website can also be found in this Cookies Policy.


Cookies and other similar technologies (Local Shared Objects, Flash cookies, web beacons, bugs, etc.) are small files created by websites and downloaded to your device (computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) or browser to store and retrieve certain user information (e.B browsing habits or information about your devices and browsers).


The following are some types of cookies listed according to different classification criteria:

Depending on the entity that manages the device or domain from which the cookies are sent and which processes the information obtained:

  • Own cookies: These are cookies that are sent to your device or browser from a computer or domain managed by the publishers of a website or application from which the service requested by the user is provided.

  • Third-party cookies These are cookies sent from a computer or domain to your device or browser that are not managed by the owners or publishers of a website or application, but by a third party that processes the information obtained through these cookies or similar technologies.

If these cookies are sent from a computer or domain managed by the publishers of the website or application, but the information collected by these cookies is managed by a third party, this type of cookie will not be treated as proprietary cookies as long as they are used by the third party for its own purposes (e.B. to improve the services it offers or to provide advertising services on behalf of of another unit).


Depending on the time, cookies remain enabled in users' devices and browsers:

  • Session cookies: these are cookies that are used to collect and store information while you access an application or website. Session cookies are usually used to store information that only needs to be kept for the provision of a one-time service and disappears when the session expires (e.B. when the browser is closed and the visit ends).

  • Persistent cookies: these are cookies that make it possible to store information on the user's device or browser even after the end of the session, so that this information can be retrieved and processed at a later time determined by the party responsible for the cookie. This period can range from a few minutes to several years, unless these cookies are manually deleted by the user.

Depending on the purpose of use, cookies may be:

  • Technical and necessary cookies: These are cookies that allow you to browse through an application or website and use the various options or services available. These cookies also allow the management and operation of the website or application, e.B. controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing areas of restricted access, accessing the elements that make up the products or services, completing the purchase process for a product or service, managing payments, controlling fraud related to the security of the service, register for or participate in an event, track visits for the purpose of billing software licenses for the software that operates the service (website, platform or application), use security elements when browsing, store content for the transmission of videos or sound, enable dynamic content (e.B text or image loading animation) or share content via social networks. This category also includes cookies that allow the most effective management of advertising space. These advertising spaces, which are another design or "layout" feature of the service offered to you, are included in a website or application based on a number of criteria, including the content being edited. Please note, however, that no user information is collected for any other purpose, including customizing advertising or other content.

  • Setting or customization cookies: These are cookies that make it possible to retrieve information to ensure that your experience when accessing a particular website or application is unique and different from that of other users: language, number of search results to display when you perform a search, the appearance or content of a website or application depending on your browser type, region, etc.

  • Analysis or quantification cookies: These are cookies that make it possible to track and monitor your behavior when you visit a website or application, also with a view to quantifying the advertising impact. The information collected by this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the website or application in order to make improvements based on the analysis of usage data.

  • Cookies for behavioural advertising: these are cookies that store information about your behaviour obtained by continuously monitoring your browsing habits. These cookies are used to effectively manage and display advertising space, which in turn allows the creation of specific profiles that ensure that relevant advertising is displayed.

  • Social media cookies: Websites or applications may contain functionalities of third-party websites (e.B. social media) that integrate scripts or other features that have the ability to read and sometimes store cookies and similar technologies on your browser or device (usually cookies and similar behavioral advertising technologies). Website or application publishers who integrate functionalities that incorporate social media cookies or similar technologies have no access to or control over them or over the information that the third parties may collect and who also manage their purposes and their own privacy practices. For this reason, users are advised to consult the privacy policies of the third parties responsible for these cookies and similar technologies before accepting the installation of these cookies on devices or browsers.

Below is a non-binding list of third parties that may install these social media cookies and similar technologies on your devices and browsers, along with the link to the relevant cookie policies and privacy policies. We recommend that you review this policy before deciding to use this type of cookie or similar technology.

Please note that the above list of cookies is for illustrative purposes only and is intended to help you understand the most common cookies and similar technologies.

Details of the cookies and similar technologies that may be installed on your device or browser as a result of accessing and browsing this website are set out in the "Details of cookies and similar technologies" section below.


Diese Website verwendet Cookies und ähnliche Technologien, die Informationen speichern und abrufen, während Sie auf der Website surfen. Diese Cookies und ähnliche Technologien können für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken verwendet werden, z. B. um Informationen über Ihre Surfgewohnheiten zu erhalten oder die Art und Weise, wie Inhalte angezeigt werden, anzupassen. Die spezifische Verwendung der Cookies und ähnlicher Technologien auf dieser Website wird im Folgenden beschrieben.

Indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Meine Einstellungen festlegen" klicken, können Sie jede der auf dieser Website enthaltenen Cookie-Kategorien jederzeit einstellen oder ablehnen.




If you have allowed the installation of cookies and similar technologies through the cookie management and configuration system used by the controllers on this website, you can delete or change your settings at any time by clicking on the "Configure my settings" button in the previous section "Details about cookies and similar technologies" or through the tools available in your browser.

If you use the tools provided by your browser, please note that the procedure for changing settings or deleting cookies and similar technologies may vary depending on the type of browser. Below is a list of links to major browsers with instructions on how to change your cookie settings or delete cookies and similar technologies:

Please note that some features of the Website are only available if you allow the installation of cookies or similar technologies on your devices. If you choose not to accept or block certain cookies and similar technologies, this may interfere with the normal operation of the website or prevent access to some services of the website, as the case may be.

If you would like more information on how to withdraw your consent or how to disable cookies, or if you have any questions about the website's cookie policy, please contact the controllers via Zur Weißen Mark 1, 04249 Leipzig, Germany or by e-mail: datenschutz@BELANTIS.de.


Interaction through this website and the use of online forms, including forms for the purchase of products and services, are not specifically intended for minors under the age of sixteen (16). Therefore, whenever possible, users are encouraged to enter their age to verify compliance with this requirement. Controllers are not responsible for the use of the devices or terminals by users under the age of sixteen (16) used to browse this website.

We are committed to providing special protection for the data of minors. If you are under sixteen (16) years of age, you must inform your parent or guardian before continuing to browse this website so that they can accept, configure or reject the cookies of this website on your behalf. If you are a parent or guardian and are concerned about our use of your child's personal information, please contact the data controller at any time at datenschutz@BELANTIS.de.


If technical and necessary cookies are installed on your device or browser, or if you expressly authorize the installation of any other type of cookies and similar technologies on your devices or browsers, the website owners and third parties (e.B. service providers) may collect certain information, including the following:

  • Technical details about your devices, including but not limited to your connection to the Internet and/or other networks, your IP address, your mobile device identifier, operating system, browser type or other software or data on your computer, or other technical details.

  • Details about the use of the services on this website, including but not limited to metric information about when and how users use our services, traffic data, geolocation data (city and country), last date and time of your visit to the website, access to the content you accessed on your last visit.

  • Details regarding your expressly given informed consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies on your devices, including your consent status as proof of the required and given consent.

In any case, the Data Controllers would like to inform you that personal data collected through the installation of cookies or similar technologies have been anonymized to ensure that you cannot be specifically identified. Please note, however, that this website may also contain third-party logos or features that contain cookies that may collect information for purposes beyond the control of those responsible. We strongly recommend that you consult the privacy and cookie policies of each of these third parties before accepting or rejecting the use of cookies to know exactly what information they may collect.



The persons responsible are:

1. EVENT PARK GmbH, the company operating BELANTIS – Das AbenteuerReich (the "Park"), with registered office at Zur Weißen Mark 1, 04249 Leipzig, Germany.

2. Parques Reunidos Servicios Centrales, S.A., a company with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 216, Planta 16, C.P. 28046, Madrid, Spain, which operates the central services of the Park.

Both companies act individually as data controllers and together as co-controllers (the "Controllers" or "Publishers"), which means that they have regulated and are jointly responsible for the processing of the information collected through cookies and similar technologies on this website (with the exception of third-party cookies for which third parties other than the Controllers are responsible).


If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or would like to request a copy of the main sections of the agreement between the co-controllers, please write to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at datenschutz@BELANTIS.de.


Purpose and legal basis for the processing.

The purposes of the processing are described in the section "Details on cookies and similar technologies". The legal basis for the processing is your explicit and informed consent, which you can manage and withdraw at any time, as described in the section "How to change your cookie settings or withdraw your consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies".


The Data Controllers may share the information collected with the following persons:

  • If necessary, with all competent authorities and bodies, including judges, courts and the public prosecutor's office, in order to comply with the legal obligations applicable to the controllers in accordance with the laws of the European Union and/or the country.
  • Service providers who act as processors on behalf of and on behalf of the Controllers and follow their instructions at all times. These providers may, for .B, offer analysis and measurement services, advertising customization, technical services for the operation of the website, services to manage users' consent, etc.
  • Third parties who install cookies or similar technologies from their own domains or from the domains of the Data Controllers, when these third parties manage the purposes of said cookies and/or similar technologies and the information they collect. These third parties may include the owners of the major social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Viemo, Spotify).
  • If you consent to the use of cookies for behavioral advertising, the information collected (anonymized IP, device or browser data) will be processed within the European Economic Area (EEA) by Salesforce, our cloud marketing platform operator. In exceptional cases, e.B. in the event of a disaster recovery situation (i.e. the process of recovering data and functionalities lost in the event of an accidental or man-made disaster), Salesforce may also process this information outside the EEA (international data transfer), including countries that do not provide a standard of protection in line with the European level of data protection (e.B. the USA). In these cases, controllers have entered into binding contractual obligations with Salesforce that guarantee the implementation of appropriate security measures to ensure that your personal data is processed at all times with an adequate level of protection comparable to the level of protection required in the EEA (standard contractual clauses on data protection approved by the European Commission in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), additional security measures in accordance with Decision C-311/18 of the Court of Justice of the European Union and subject to certification mechanisms). For more information, please contact the Data Protection Officer at one of the addresses (postal or e-mail) indicated in the "My Rights" section of this Cookie Policy. Please remember that you can refuse the installation of cookies or change your cookie settings. For more information, see "How to change your cookie settings or withdraw your consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies".

Transfers to
third countries

Data processing usually takes place within the European Economic Area or in countries that demonstrably offer an adequate level of protection.

Please note, however, that the Website uses cookies and similar technologies from third parties who provide services to the Controllers and who may also store and retrieve the information they collect outside the EEA:

Google cookies:

The Site uses certain services provided and developed by Google, Inc., a Delaware company located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google"), that use cookies and/or similar technologies. These services include:

  • Google Analytics is Google's analytics tool that allows controllers to understand how users who visit their website interact and provide them with statistics on the use of the website without necessarily having to identify users (anonymised IP). You can check all the information about how Google Analytics uses cookies and what information it collects via the following link:


    Google AdSense: This is a service used by the website to improve advertising. It is typically used to target advertising based on content that is relevant to our users, to improve reporting on campaign performance, and to avoid displaying ads previously seen by users. These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information about our users. You can learn more about how Google AdSense uses cookies and what information it collects by clicking on the link below:


  • Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords): This is a service that uses conversion cookies primarily to help those responsible measure how many of those who click on their ads eventually trade on the site (e.B buy a product or service). With the help of these cookies, Google and those responsible can determine that users have actually clicked on the ad and then visited the website. Conversion cookies are limited in time and are not used by Google to target personalized ads. Detailed information on the use of cookies by Google Ads and the information collected can be found under the following link: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=de

  • Google DoubleClick: This is a Google service under the DoubleClick brand that uses cookies to improve the delivery of advertisements. They are also often used to target advertising to content that is relevant to a user, improve reporting on campaign performance, and avoid displaying ads that have already been seen by users. DoubleClick cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information. Sometimes the cookie contains an additional identifier similar to an ID cookie. This identifier is used to identify an advertising campaign with which a user has previously come into contact. To learn more about how Google uses DoubleClick cookies and what information it collects, please click on the following link: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=de

Oracle Cookies

The Site uses services provided by Oracle America, Inc. ("Oracle"), located at 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065. These services include Add This tools that allow users of the Site to share, track, view, recommend, and interact with content on the Site, as well as to collect information from those users as a result of your visit. To learn more about how Add This uses cookies and what information it collects, please click on the following link: https://www.oracle.com/legal/privacy/addthis-privacy-policy.html

Please note that you can choose whether or not to install cookies or similar technologies on your devices or browsers, and that if you agree, you can change your cookie settings or disable cookies already installed at any time through the consent management platform used on this website or through the mechanisms offered by different browsers, as described in the section "How to change your cookie settings or your consent to install cookies and similar technologies".

Finally, we would like to point out that as a result of the installation of third-party cookies or similar technologies, these third parties may carry out international transfers of collected data or information. You can find out more by reviewing the privacy and cookie policies of each of these third parties. For the sake of simplicity, controllers have listed some of these third parties with links to their privacy and cookie policies in the "What types of cookies are there?" section.

Retention period of data

The information will be processed until you withdraw your consent, as indicated in the section "Details on cookies and similar technologies". After the expiry of the specified retention periods, this information will be deleted, unless the controllers are required to comply with certain legal obligations arising from the processing of this information. In this case, the information will be kept for the period corresponding to the limitation period applicable to such obligations to exercise or defend claims in accordance with the laws of the European Union and/or the country.


You may manage or withdraw your consent at any time by following the instructions in the "How to change your cookie settings or withdraw your consent to the installation of cookies and similar technologies" section.

You may also withdraw your consent or exercise any other rights available to you under the Privacy Policy, including your rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, restricted processing, portability and, where applicable, your right not to be the subject of automated individual decisions, including profiling, by writing your request to the Data Protection Officer of the Data Controllers at datenschutz@BELANTIS.de. Please attach a copy of your identity card or official document to your application. This allows us to verify that you are the owner of the data in relation to which you wish to exercise your rights.

You can also lodge a complaint with the German Data Protection Authority (Saxon Data Protection Officer, saechsdsb@slt.sachsen.de).

With regard to third-party cookies, if you want to find out how to exercise your rights under the Privacy Policy, please read their Cookie and Privacy Policy. For the sake of simplicity, we have included links to the cookie and privacy policies of such third parties in the "What types of cookies are there?" section.

Updated Cookie Policy. Contact details.

The content of this Cookie Policy may change from time to time, depending on the cookies and similar technologies used by this website.

We encourage you to review this policy each time you access this website to ensure that you are up to date on how and for what purpose cookies and similar technologies are used and to be aware of any changes. Your prior informed consent will always be required.

Cookie Policy last updated in May 2021.

For your safety

For your safety