Halloween in BELANTIS

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Opening hours & prices

Our opening hours for your adventure.

At BELANTIS, you can experience a season full of adventure with extensive opening hours. Take a look at our opening hours calendar and find out which days you can come and experience some unforgettable moments. Just outside Leipzig, eight themed areas full of adventure await you, along with more than 60 attractions and shows. You’re going to love it!

Agenda For This Day
Unfortunately, we're closed that day.
We're looking forward to welcome you another day!
Alle Tickets bereits vergriffen!
Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch an einem anderen Tag!
If there is a colored bar on the day of the visit, we are open!
YELLOW: 10am - 4pm I BLUE: 10am - 5pm I PURPLE: 10am - 6 pm I ULTRAMARINE: 10am - 8pm (Halloween-Special)
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Please, select a day to show you all the events we have for you.
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